• nihsepvtltd@gmail.com
  • +91 9334346788


Health, Safety& Environment Policy

We at NIHSE intend to exhibit management commitment in creating and adhering to health and safety & safe environmental standards in our business practices. NIHSE believes that leading environmental, health and safety performance contributes to our competitive strength and benefits our customers, shareholders, and employees as well as the environment.


HSE objectives are aimed at focusing on key activities and also continuously improve HSE performance to comply with the HSE policy. HSE objectives are set to improve HSE performance. The objectives are based on legal requirements, assessment of risks, and identification of trends. The delivery of the objectives and its progress will be regularly reviewed.

The Health & Safety policy is developed to achieve the objectives through the following:
  • We believe compliance is owned by all employees. This will be achieved through regular self-assessments and audits, such compliance will be monitored and take corrective actions as warranted and include compliance sustainability as a routine part of operations
  • NIHSE complies with appropriate environmental, health and safety laws, directives, regulations and other requirements as a baseline for doing business
  • Conduct risk analysis and audits to prevent workplace injuries and incidents and monitor performance for continual improvement
  • Ensuring arrangements for safe handling and usage of safety devices, Equipment, Personal Protective Equipment.
  • Ensure the safety of employees by insisting them to follow road safety rules & regulations.
  • Reduce manual handling and ergonomic risks at the workplace
  • All levels of management, employees are accountable for HSE in their responsible areas.
  • Develop and maintain a positive HSE culture through effective communication and training.
  • This policy will be periodically reviewed to ensure continual improvement.

Implement and Maintain Controls:

HSE risks will be managed by maintaining controls and comply with the legal requirements to protect people, business, and the environment.

HSE controls are managed to:
  • Promote good health, prevent ill health and address the health status of the employees.
  • Improve safety performance, prevent injuries and incidents, and handle the consequences of safety incidents.
  • Promote conservation, prevent pollution and address any impacts to the environment from past incidents. Ensuring health & safety of NIHSE employees is highest priority of all objectives and will never be compromised to achieve any other business goals
At NIHSE, Health & Safety will be foremost in our minds. We expect co-operation and active participation of all employees for achieving excellence in health and safety.

Training Policy & Procedures

NIHSE Private Limited is committed to delivering high quality and safe standards of training. NIHSE assures that its training delivery is effective and the organization ensures that it has a workforce that is competent and capable.

Training is multi-faceted and includes:
  • The development of existing abilities, skills or the acquisition of new ones to meet the organizational needs;
  • Widening the knowledge base of Trainees to enter into or deal with their new roles and responsibilities.

Training Policy:

  • NIHSE offers various training programs pertaining to Health, Safety and Environment (HSE). Individuals get trained and certified at NIHSE Private Limited branches, whereas for corporates, training is conducted at various client locations.
  • Training programs are conducted with suitable, skilled and competent trainers for Institutional programs.
  • NIHSE ensures necessary infrastructure, within (Institution training) and outside the organization (Corporate training) to carry out training effectively.
  • The trainers would provide feedback support to the participants on
  • self-development to progress in their career.

Training Objectives:

  • To improve the employee skills, knowledge and attitudes through training methods followed in the organization.
  • To facilitate the employees to accept, adapt and manage the change required for fast learning and changing environment.

Training Model – NIHSE

Quality Policy

NIHSE Private Limited is recognized for Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental programs (OSHE), and aims to provide the best of services in OSHE Training.
All the activities in NIHSE are carried out adhering to the systematically established policies and procedures to meet or exceed the expectations of clients, customers & stakeholders which can be monitored, measured, and audited.
NIHSE employees act with a great sense of commitment to deliver their duties & obligations to ensure quality in their work by adhering to the processes defined in the QMS policy. They will play a key role in identifying the areas of improvement in QMS to strengthen the processes by incorporating required correction and corrective actions. Internal communication among employees is ensured by necessary regular training, formal and informal communications to effectively implement QMS in the organization.

NIHSE has created the following objectives:

  • Help learners to select the right products and services.
  • To study and meet the market demands for new products and services.
  • To reach potential customers worldwide through online marketing and brand building by maintaining the online reputation.
  • Ensure learners achieve high pass percentages and learn and adopt industry best practices.
  • Act promptly, to provide adequately competent candidates to match the customer requirements as part of our recruitment and staffing vertical.
  • Encourage high-quality performance from our employees by providing tools for learning and development, a performance management system and a culture of empathy, trust, care and mutual respect.
  • Encourage employees to improve their skills and competence levels so as to take higher responsibilities and create growth opportunities for themselves and the organization.
  • To provide systems and processes so as to meet the above targets. All processes need to be reviewed regularly to ensure that they meet their intended objectives
NIHSE will strive towards achieving the customers, other stakeholders and their own internal requirements. All within the organization are committed in executing the requirements of QMS so as to achieve the desired benefits.
NIHSE focuses on the continual improvement of the QMS by imparting effective processes, improving the monitoring methods & measuring techniques and implementing the required actions to attain the desired goals of QMS. Each department head reviews the QMS performance monthly, while the Top Management reviews it bi-annually

Training Model – NIHSE

1. Identify the training needs of students:-
  • Understand the profile of our ideal targeted Students.
  • Assess Students for literacy, numeracy and language skills. Analyze the training need, whether it is for the development of knowledge, abilities and skills.
  • Prefer on learning modes that suit students such as class room, e-learning etc.
2. Plan and create Prepare the list of tasks:-
  • Identify the learner outcomes, Prepare session plan, ensure adequate training facilities is organized and select suitable resources according to the profits of participants.
  • Ensures health and safety of all participants, Special attention to be given to Vulnerable groups such as Specially dis-abled, pregnant, nursing mother.
3. Teaching and learning:-
  • Use inclusive learning techniques. Follow the structure, method, mode, Introduction, Content to ensure that the learning outcomes are meet.
  • Ensure active participation by all and provide adequate student support as per intial assessment.
4. Assessment:-
  • Assess students through Formative and Summative assessment.
  • Encourge students to assess themselves and through peers besides tutor assessment.
5. Evaluation and Continuous Improvement:-
  • Compare and plan during the training delivery on regularly.
  • Monitor required outcomes versus actual outcome.
  • The performance measurement reports from delegates, trainer, observer, collegues and organisation are gathered to improve in future.
6. Record Keeping:-
  • As a part of Quality assurance process and also a mandatory regulation from awarding boards and regulatory authorities, all documents are securely maintained until 4-5 years under stipulated conditions and if required it will be disposed securely.