• nihsepvtltd@gmail.com
  • +91 9334346788

Directors Message

Right from its inception in 2021, National Institute of Health and Safety Engineering is on its fast track of growth and academic contribution. NIHSE Private Limited is one of those few institutions of higher learning which have established themselves and surged ahead purely due to their crystal clear vision, mission and commitment of the staff ensuring that we continue to shape our students to a higher quality professionals; professionals who are competent in their chosen field, follow morals and ethics and contribute to the development of our society through their profession.

Twenty first century is the century of knowledge driven industry. A competent, confident and vast knowledge force is the most sought after propeller needed for the social growth. NIHSE Private Limited has been a very vibrant institution in the Fire Safety Management and Technological area. We have State of the Art infrastructure with best of the faculty to ensure the transformation of our students to world class professionals.

The teaching learning process is a continuously monitored process that thrives on the feedback of all the stake holders including students, parents, industry and academia.Practice is what we believe produces skilled, employable knowledge force. Hence, the institute banks on excellent laboratory based practice, project based learning and skilling the students in the State of the Art Centers of Excellence.

Apart from its focus on knowledge creation and dissemination, NIHSE Private Limited runs a number of programs such as Value Based Learning, Personality Development, good physical and mental health through Sports and Cultural initiatives to ensure that our student turn out to be good human beings, responsible citizens and excellent leaders in all domains of life.

Team of NIHSE Private Limited believes in “Co-existing, Co-operating and Co-evolving to Success”. The vibrant students on the NIHSE Private Limited campus carry fuller sense of ‘confidence’ capable enough to serve the cause of being a good human thereby ready to cultivate a civilized society.

Welcome to be a part of NIHSE Private Limited to usher in an era of paradise on earth.

I strongly believe that education ought to be “good” or “moral” and for this reason it is important to groom the students morally for the real life of the corporate world and imbibe in them not only academic brilliance but also professional ethics.

Over years, we have been aiming at the welfare of the society and embracing the excellence in education. Education is a very important contributing element to both the benevolence and economic development of the society.

“I reiterate my promise to make the students human beings first and then professionals.”
